Here is a compliance checklist for your reference:
Stand by academic standards and freedoms. Maintaining academic standards for all students assures equal and non-discriminatory access to education. Do not give "mercy" grades. There are demeaning and discriminatory.
Communicate clear and concise expectations for performance to your students. This is best done through your written syllabus. Care should be taken to distinguish between essential and non-essential components of the course.
Notify all students of your willingness to support students with disabilities. This can be done verbally during lectures and/or in writing within a course syllabus. The Office of Civil Rights recommends both verbal and written notification and a suggestion for syllabus statement is under the Faculty Resource Guide.
Require students to verify they qualify for accommodations by giving you a Letter of Accommodations (LOA) from Accessibility Services (AS). Students requesting accommdoations without a LOA should be referred to AS.
Facilitate the reasonable accommodations authorized by Accessibility Services. Accommodations are changes in the way requirements are accomplished and should affect only non-essential elements of a course. They are reasonable so long as course standards and method of delivery are not fundamentally altered. If you feel standards would be significantly affected by the recommended accommodation, please consult with Accessibility Services.
Facilitate testing accommodations indicated on a student's Letter of Accommodation. Depending on the particular needs of a student, it may be necessary to extend testing times, change testing formats, test in a quiet environment, and so on. Instructors may accommodate independently or use Accessibility Services and/or GHC's Testing Center.
Permit students to use auxiliary aides and technologies that ensure success. Depending on the disability, students may need note-takers, sign language interpreters, readers, scribes, and personal assistants. Others may use digital recorders, computers, assistive listening devices, calculators and other technologies for the same purpose. Accessibility Services will provide specific information regarding needed technology.
Make sure all website, videos, films, or other required media are accessible. This includes making sure all audio content is either captioned or transcribed. Accessibility Services can help you determine accessibility of any media you use.
Make adjustments in your instructional style as needed. Some students need lecturers to face the audience while speaking. Others may need written or graphic information spoken aloud or described. Adjustments such as these, that do not fundamentally alter the nature of the course, should be made if the student requests them.
Maintain disability-related discussions and information in strictest confidentiality. Avoid reference to a student's disability in front of the class or in public. Do not discuss a student's disability with other instructors. The student's right to have information held in confidence is legally guaranteed and clearly outlined in FERPA -- The Family Education and Right to Privacy Act.