Service and Activities Fee/Technology Fee

The Services & Activity (S&A) Fee supports to fund student-focused resources, programming, and trainings. Students also pay the Student Technology Fee, which supports maximizing students access to current technology resources, including Chrome Book rentals, printing, etc. The Associated Students of Grays Harbor College (ASGHC) are the stewards of S&A and the Student Technology Fees and are responsible for allocating these funds to support students.

These fees are assessed through quarterly tuition. Annually, the ASGHC Executive Board calls for budget requests. The Student Budget Committee then works to disseminate funds throughout the college. These funds provide: student jobs, campus activities, support of student-focused services and programs. The application for the 2025/2026 budget requests will open in January. Other requests for access to S&A fees can be done via our supplemental budget request:

S&A Contingency Funding Request

S&A Approved Budget

If you have any question about S&A fees or the Associated Students of Grays Harbor College please contact Sarah Dalrymple – You can also stop by our office on the first floor of the tulalW building next to the campus book store.

Thank you

Services and Activities/Technology Fee Committee