GHC Foundation - Our Supporters

The Grays Harbor College Foundation relies on the support of community members, alumni, businesses, and other philanthropic foundations, whose generosity allows us to serve Grays Harbor College and its students.

We are honored to acknowledge our extraordinary supporters who gave monetarily, in-kind donations/services, and/or volunteered their time. Also recognized are the individuals who were honored and memorialized through gifts to the Foundation.

We strive to accurately recognize our supporters. Please inform us of any errors or omissions by contacting

2023-2024 Academic Year


Aberdeen High School Class of 1973

Aberdeen Imports

Aberdeen Lions Club

Haley Adair

Ernest and Jane Adams

Chris and Sarah Aiken

Gerry and Christine Alexander

American Legion Auxiliary Post 140 - Westport

American Legion Post 140 - Westport

Kristy Anderson

Andy's Parts and Services LLC

Marylynn Antush

Lynn J. Armstrong

Gary Arthur

Randy and Katie Arthur

Shelley and Matthew Aubuchon

Helen A. Bache

Todd R. Bates

Dennis and Barbara Beckley

Jim and Cathy Beerbower

Benevity Giving Platform

Lisa and Dennis Benn

John W. Betrozoff

Bill and Rosann Lopes

Jon and Connie Bivens

Kwabena and Grace Boakye

Bobby's Fund Foundation

Laveta Bowen

Ivy Bowers

Ashley Bowie Gallegos

Karen M. Brandvick

Scott and Sandra Branlund

Brent A. and Debra L. Dennis Family Foundation

Dr. Edward and Joan Brewster

Jennifer Brouwer

Richard and Sarah Bullard

Derek Bumrungsiri and Kati Kachman

Michael and Jane Cagan

Karen Carriker

Carthum & Liedtke, LLC

Gordon and Rebecca Chaffee

Chapter AK, PEO

Price and Barbara Chenault

Chris and Donna Portmann

Nikki Christensen

Lori Christmas

Don and Jacqueline Cole

Coordinated Care Health

Jenel Cope

Corvettes of Grays Harbor

Ed and Carol Coyle

Matt Coyle

Jim and Anita Criel

Crowell Brothers

Sarah Dalrymple

Dorothy A. Davis

Judith Davis

Delta Kappa Gamma Washington State Organization, Beta Chi-Grays Harbor Chapter

Dan and Kathy Descher

Nancy and Michael DeVerse

Susan Dier

Douglas and Vivian Johnson

Robert and Deborah Drugge

Druzianich Family Foundation

Christine Smith Duffy

Gregory and Rebecca Durr

Dr. William and Melinda Dyer

Earley Tire Point S

Derek Edens

Don and Claire Egge

Dana Erickson

Dr. Cal and Ruth Erwin-Svoboda

Aliza Esty

Kathy Quigg Ewen

Express Employment Professionals

Family Medicine of Grays Harbor

Brandvick-Baker Family

Kristine E. Finazzo

Forest C. & Ruth V. Kelsey Foundation

Anne and Will Foster

Calvin Fowler

Laurie Franklin

Frederick and Sarah Hope

Jay and Sue Fredericksen

Cliff Frederickson

Gary and Maureen Espedal

Stephanie Gibson

Ronald Giuntoli

Goldberg Family Charitable Organization

Phyllis and Erv Granahan

Grays Harbor 40 ET 8, Voiture 91

Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees

Grays Harbor Community Foundation

Grays Harbor Pacific School Retirees Association

Dennis and Mary Lou Gregory

Scott Grindy

Nancy and James Hale

Elizabeth Hammond

Harbor Pacific Bottling Inc.

Vicki L. Hardinger

Elisa Harvey

Helene and Jerry Hedwall

Eric and Sheri Heikkila

Vern and Janet Heikkila

Jackie Henry

Walt Hilliard

Fred Hillier

Robert Hobbs

Shelly Hoffman

Joshua Holbrook

Matt Holder

Richard and Patricia Hole

Judith P. Holliday

Kelly Hoonan

Shelli and Mark Hopsecger

Pat Hughes

Jessica Hulet

Ken I. Hunt

ILWU Local 24


Richard and Judy Isaacson

Tom and Linda Isaacson

Melanie Israel

Cathy and James Jesernig

Stan and Bonnie Johannes

John and Gail Quigg Charitable Fund

Pat Johnson

Lisa Jolly

Darin Jones

Greg and Becky Jones

Journey Travel

Joan Julius

Nicole and Justin Jurgens

Lindsey Kargbo

Karpas Strategies, LLC

Mary V. Keinath

Elmer and Sandra Keiski

Tara and Eric Khambatta

Elaine Kokubun

Keith and Carol Krueger

Martha Krug

Tom Kuester

Bruce and Terry Kuhnau

Laird Norton Wetherby - Trust of Marian J. Weatherwax

Karen and Gary LaLonde

Paul and Karin Larson

Lenny Lee

Russell and Kathleen Lee

Melissa Lenz

Maureen LeVering

Sandy Lloyd

Darrell and Elaine Lokken

Paulette Lopez

Dustin Loup

Lucky Eagle Casino & Hotel

Alice Madden

Maria Majar

Elizabeth Manspeaker

Ronda Manspeaker

Alan and Susan Marrs

Karen S. Marshall

Connie Marthe

Patrick Martin

Joanna Matyska

Bill and Nancy Maynard

Claudia and Pat McClain

Brian and Joy McGregor

Patricia and Mike McIntosh

Dean and Sue McNee

MDU Resources Foundation

James Messer

Paul Metzner

Douglas and Debbie Miller

Sandra Miller

Dr. Jim and Yoko Minkler

Amy and Brandon Montoure

Mark Moody

Gary Morean

William and Janet Morgan

Lucinda Morrow

Bob Mortimer

Susan Moyles

Diane Muir and Michael Johnson

Felicia Mullins

Eric and Mary Nelson

Linda Noon

Norkoski Services

Joe Ott

Angelika Otterstetter

PACCAR Foundation

Pacific Portfolio

Janet Parker

Jayme Peterson

Wes and Kay Peterson

Phi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma

James and Toni Phipps

Brad and Sherri Pierog

Doris and Sidney Pierog

Tim and Anita Plagge

Kathryn and James Postma

Sheryl Poulsen

Megan and Greg Pursell

Push Rods of Hoquiam

Patrick and Kathy Quigg

Tom Quigg and Patricia Oleachea

Beverly Race

Jerry Rajcich

Glen and Andrea Ramiskey

Rayonier Operating Company LLC

Judy Reault

Reiner White Giving Fund

Jaime Reino

Darrelyn K. Relyea

Debbie Richters

Robbins' Air

Steve Rogers

Wayne Rognlin

Adrienne Roush

Dr. Stephen I. Rupert

Rust Holdings

San Diego Foundation

Douglas Schermer

Lizbeth Sanchez

Dr. Eugene and Eileen Schermer

Dr. Carli Schiffner and Summer Hahn

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

Betsy Seidel and Bob Martin

Kenji Seta

Alissa and Brian Shay

Steven Shimada

Brian Shook

Shue Family Farm Essentials Project

Johnny Shults

Sierra Pacific Foundation

William and Wendy Sipila

Brian and Jill Smith

David Smith

Joyce Smith

Lisa and Chad Smith

Tiffany Smith


Snell Crane

Donda and Mac Sorensen

Tricia Sorensen

South Seattle College Foundation

Mark and Deborah Stensager

Cara Beth Stevenson

Marjie Stratton

Lynn Stritmatter-Green and Scott Green

Summit Pacific Medical Foundation

Frederick Taylor

The Blackbaud Giving Fund

The Ella and Truman Seely Charitable Fund

The Manspeaker Family Fund

The Moore Wright Group

JEB Thornton

John and Doris Tieder

TisBest Philanthropy

Richard Tonelli

Dr. Arlene Torgerson

Sarina Tung

Seppo and Prijo Tuominen

Louis Turk

US Bank Foundation

Tracey Ushman

Chris and Lisa Vammen

Carol Warren

Harold and Pat Warren

Westport Art Festival

Windermere Foundation

Windermere Real Estate/Aberdeen

Shiloh and Jillian Winsor

Dr. Bruce and Bette Worth

Barbara Wynans-Johnson

Sydni and Cameron Yager

Jo Ann C. Yost

Kathryn A. Young

Philip W. Young

Scott and Cheri Zeller


Pat Hughes

Diane Muir

Harold Warren


Kelly Anderson Toda

Jeff Beard

Diane Beckley

Ned & Lillian Bishop

Valerie Busch

Corliss Gordon

Jerry Hahn

James Henry

Mary Ellen Hughes

Jewell Manspeaker

Lynel Martin

Dean Morrow

Luella Jean Mortimer

Gail Rolfe

On Behalf Of

Jacqueline L. Jackson

Brian Smith

GHC Foundation - Our Supporters Archive